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Myths about the USSR
Myths about the USSR

Video: Myths about the USSR

Video: Myths about the USSR
Video: War Thunder - "Victory is Ours" Live Action Trailer 2024, April

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, Soviet Union) is a multinational socialist superpower state in Europe and Asia, founded in 1922 and disbanded in 1991. It occupied 1/6 of the inhabited land and was at one time the largest country in the world in terms of area on the lands previously occupied by the Russian Empire - without Finland, part of the Kingdom of Poland and some other territories, but with Galicia, Transcarpathia, part of Prussia, Northern Bukovina, South Sakhalin and the Kuriles.

Myths …

1. Statement: "Industrialization in the USSR was carried out by the labor of many millions of prisoners"


Answer:"Industrialization in the USSR went on for about 10 years - from 1928 to 1939. The number of" prisoners "in the USSR always amounted to less than 2% of the labor resources of the USSR in those years (about 120 million), therefore, the claims that" industrialization was carried out by the hands of convicts " - shameless lies, then that 2% could not make not only a decisive, but even a noticeable contribution to the economy. But it does not matter at all, since in 1938 the main tasks of Industrialization were already successfully completed. that in unskilled jobs, and the construction of a modern industry requires the labor of professional workers and highly qualified engineers. The average number of prisoners during the Industrialization period was about 0.8 percent of the labor resources of the USSR. year in camps and colonies there were only about 1 million prisoners, and in the most difficult years of Industrialization, for example, in 1934 ode and at all about 0.5 million."


2. Statement: Before Collectivization, Russia exported bread, and then imported it. Consequently, Collectivization has failed


Answer: Russia is one of the coldest (after Mongolia) countries in the world, so bread can be the last export item for Russians (about like drinking water for Libya or Tunisia). The tragedy of Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries was that Russia could not export anything else: machine-building plants and drilling platforms were just to be built. In the course of Collectivization and Industrialization directly related to it, an industry was created that replaced its goods (as it seemed then, forever) for bread in the structure of Russian exports. Thus, the main achievement of Collectivization is that it relieved the Russians of the need to export grain. Grain imports to the USSR would be prompted by the desire to provide additional fodder for animal husbandry, i.e. they were imported not because of hunger, but for the sake of obtaining additional meat - in conditions where animals are kept in a stall for 7 months a year, otherwise it was difficult to solve this problem.

A very important point - cheap feed grain was imported, while elite grain was exported abroad, which requires high agricultural technologies.


3. Statement: The communists ruined the country until the 1990s, and the new government saved it from starvation


Answer: (taken from

- where did food products appear in empty stores during the initial period of reforms (meat, sausage, butter, milk, etc.);

- why weren't they instantly sold out, as it was before?

Let's consider several possible answers

- The new government instantly reformed agriculture, products flowed like a river into the shops and overflowed them.

True, a magic wand was needed for this

- The products were already in the state (the harvest of grain and vegetables harvested on collective and state farms, livestock and poultry grown on still operating farms, milk, sugar, butter, etc.). These products were produced on a base created in Soviet times.

- The answer to the second question is obvious. What had to be done so that the products, appearing on store shelves, were not immediately sold out?

First, you need to accumulate a certain stock of food, hiding them in warehouses. Secondly, to sharply (several times) increase prices and then bring the hidden goods to stores. As a result, the purchasing power of the bulk of the population has become several times less than that of the workers in pre-revolutionary Russia, and the shelves with a store are littered with … How the quality of inexpensive food has changed in this case - we know.


4. Statement: After the liquidation of the Soviet economy, the possibilities finally opened up to purchase a personal car, and in the USSR one could only dream about it


7. Statement: Stalin's statistics cannot be trusted, they are all falsified


A very important point - the conditions under which the treaty was signed - in the summer of 1939 the USSR fought a war with Japan on the Khalkhin-Gol River, and Japan was Germany's ally in the Anti-Comintern Pact, the conclusion of the Soviet-German treaty was perceived in Tokyo as a betrayal. There was a serious risk that the Soviet Union would have to wage a war on two fronts and Stalin's diplomacy managed to win here a major diplomatic victory - to embroil the key figures of the Anti-Comintern Pact directed against the USSR.

It was obvious that Hitler would attack either France or the USSR, and the USSR, with its treaty, pushed Hitler into war with France (which was formally already underway), and France tried to push Hitler against the USSR and, moreover, made enormous efforts to grow Hitler and strengthen Nazi Germany, forcing Czechoslovakia to surrender, betraying Poland, etc. France several times rejected Soviet proposals for a defensive alliance against Hitler. That is, France got what it deserved. After all, it was Stalin's duty to defend the interests of the people of the USSR, not France.

9. Statement: The Cold War is the result of the West's fear of aggression by the USSR, which was armed to the teeth, and no one was going to attack the USSR - "who needs our territories."


This is a classic lie based on people's ignorance of recent history. The Cold War was started not by the Soviet Union, but by the West, with Churchill's famous Fulton Speech. The "Iron Curtain" was not lowered with a tip, but from the west. The information published in recent years (50 years after the adoption of the documents) about the Cold War doctrine, developed in the late 1940s in the United States, shows that from the very beginning this war was in the nature of a “war of civilizations”.

This is some kind of wild, animal hatred of Russia, here is an excerpt from the resolution of the industrial magnates of the United States of 1948: “Russia is an Asian despotism, primitive, vile and predatory, erected on a pyramid of human bones, skillful only in its arrogance, betrayal and terrorism … in order to blockade Russia, the United States must acquire the right to control the industry of all countries and place its best atomic bombs "in all regions of the world where there is at least some reason to suspect an evasion of such control or a conspiracy against this order, but in fact, immediately and without any hesitation to drop these bombs wherever appropriate."

There is no connection with Marxism, communism or other ideological moments here. This is precisely a war, and an all-out war, against the civilian population, against civilization itself. The stake was placed on a sudden strike by the West on the USSR, the US elite, which was then the only owner of nuclear weapons, demanded to drop atomic bombs on the USSR “without hesitation”. Several detailed plans (such as "Dropshot") were created for a surprise nuclear strike against the USSR.

Declassified documents show that twice to strike at the USSR in the early 1950s, only one signature was missing on the documents. The only thing that stopped the Americans was that the army did not guarantee that at least 60% (!) Of the population of the USSR would be destroyed by the first strike, and without this they considered the rapid surrender of the Soviet Union unrealistic.

The leadership of the USSR and, in particular, Stalin, did everything to prevent the Cold War, but the consent of the two sides is required to prevent the war. American authors acknowledge that the Soviet leadership made many attempts to prevent the Cold War, in particular, through the expansion of economic ties with the United States. So, in September 1945, Stalin raised the same question in a conversation with American congressmen and offered the Americans broad economic cooperation. It was about a large ($ 6 billion) loan from the United States for the purchase of American equipment, paid for in gold and the raw materials the United States needs.

Political concessions were also offered - the speedy withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe. As you know, the United States did not agree to this. Later in 1947, Stalin told the Americans: “You should not get carried away with criticizing each other's systems … Which system is better - history will show. For cooperation, it is not required that the peoples have the same system … If both sides nod to scold each other as monopolists or totalitarians, then cooperation will not work.

We must proceed from the historical fact of the existence of two systems, approved by the people. Cooperation is possible only on this basis”. The USSR proposed precisely peaceful coexistence. The choice between war and peace was made precisely in the West, and the USSR was forced to defend itself in the Cold War from the West as it defended itself from Hitler in 1941.

10. Statement: The Orthodox Church is the spokesman for the interests of the Russian people and the custodian of its culture. "Russian means Orthodox." Speeches against the Orthodox Church are unacceptable because it undermines the foundations of the Russian people and Russian culture


Thus, the Orthodox Church ideologically supported the Mongol yoke by the Tatar, sided with the interventionists in the Civil War, supported Hitler (ROCOR, a number of ROC activists), and now fiercely supports the anti-popular government of the Russian Federation


That is, the above statement about the spokesman for the interests of the Russian people is just an outright lie. The only thing that the ROC is concerned about is the influence on the people, that is, the power, money and the well-fed life of the church hierarchs, and not at all the interests of the Russian people.

So the ROC betrayed Nicholas II, the ROC betrayed Russia and the Russian people, acting on the side of the interventionists, a significant part of the Orthodox clergy betrayed their people, taking the side of Hitler, and now the church with extraordinary ease betrayed Stalin, who was previously referred to as "great moral "strength. Betrayal is the most immoral of all deeds. In reality, the Church (and not only the Orthodox Church) is an exclusively immoral social institution. It is not for nothing that in the Russian tradition, pop is actually a synonym for a hypocrite.

Culture and Religious Culture Russian culture successfully existed both before the time when the state elite decided to plant a Christian branch of Orthodoxy, so it will continue to exist later. Orthodox (more precisely, Byzantine) culture played a prominent role in the Middle Ages, but with the development of the people and society, the role of Orthodoxy steadily declined, virtually disappearing several decades before the Revolution.

The ROC had exhausted itself long before the Great October Revolution. The entire great Soviet culture was not even close to being a church culture. The results of non-Orthodox - Soviet culture, even for 20 years of Soviet Power, are very impressive, the achievements of Soviet culture for any period show brilliant results. If you may say so, where can you see examples of Orthodox culture over the past 20 years, although the ROC was granted the monopoly status of maximum favored nation. The result is practically zero.

Churchmen have a number of well-developed psychological practices, but with the development of psychology as a science, their role is diminishing.


11. Statement: The persecution of the ROC under the Bolsheviks is outrageous and unacceptable. The state does not dare to suppress the Church, especially the Orthodox


The ROC opposed Soviet Power because the White Guard order assumed the preservation of the power of the clergy. Before the Revolution, the ROC was the largest landowner (with the exception of the tsar), and before that - the largest and very cruel serf-owner. The fight against the church was a fight against the ideological institution of the enemy, and in war, as in war.

The ROC itself chose the side for which it began to fight and the actions of their opponents are natural. If the church opposes the interests of the state and society, it must be subjected to repression, if necessary, completely destroyed, depending on the degree of danger. If it behaves like a neutral institution, then the situation is different, but the ROC has never been a neutral institution in Russian civil conflicts, on the contrary, it has always sided with the oligarchy against the people, both in Civil and Perestroika.

Intelligence agents or agents of influence from other countries are always trying to penetrate church institutions. This was the case with the Russian Orthodox Church and with the Muslim churches: through the Muslim communities, the intelligence services of England, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, that is, the United States, etc., tried to actively act and are operating now.

Under the cover of Islam and mullahs, the Basmachi of Central Asia were active. Through the Buddhist lamas until the Great Patriotic War, the secret services of Japan were far from unsuccessful.

Under the cover of Christian and other sectarians - Baptists, Pentecostals, Adventists, Mormons - the US intelligence services are actively operating. And the influence of the Vatican on Catholics and the activities of its special services - the Jesuits - is widely known.

12. Believers were persecuted in the USSR


It's a lie. The Soviet Constitution proclaimed freedom of conscience (Article 52): "The incitement of hostility and hatred in connection with religious beliefs is prohibited."

For insulting the feelings of believers, a prison term of up to 3 years was imposed. This did not apply to anti-religious scientific propaganda and open discussions. Thus, the persecution of believers in the USSR was an anti-constitutional act. But at the same time, criminal punishment was imposed for an attempt on human rights under the guise of performing religious rites. That is, people were punished not for their faith, but for violating the rights of other people - the prohibition of children to go to school, bride kidnapping, violence against the person. The leaders of totalitarian sects were severely persecuted for their actions, and not for their religious beliefs. This is perfectly true.

About this was the official statement of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow and All Russia) Pimen: “ I must declare with full responsibility that in the Soviet Union there is not a single case of anyone being prosecuted or imprisoned for their religious beliefs. Moreover, Soviet legislation does not provide for punishment "for religious beliefs.".

To believe or not to believe is a personal affair of everyone in the USSR."


13. Statement: Soviet Power destroyed the flower of the nation - the most intelligent, hard-working, etc


Answer: the simplest answer: "I see, I sympathize, I understand your pain - your ancestors were really stupid lazy rams, I was much more fortunate with my ancestors." But this is more from the category of a sharp word. If the tremendous results of Soviet Power were achieved after the "destruction of color", then the conclusion in itself suggests that it was not a color, but a weed.

14. Statement: "Under socialism, the nomenklatura has tremendous privileges."


15. Statement: "The Bolshevik government was criminal from the very beginning - it was ruled by criminals, for example, Stalin cut throats on the Caucasian roads."


- This is the usual lie of the liberals, based on the rumor that Stalin was engaged in "exes" - robberies of the exploiters and the tsarist authorities in order to replenish the party treasury. In the hands of Stalin, the party treasury of a number of Caucasian Bolshevik organizations really was, but there is no evidence of serious criminal offenses committed directly by Stalin. The only thing that could be imputed to him is that he hid the participants in the attack on the Tiflis bank in his home, which was never hidden by the party's historians.

Statements that Stalin, allegedly "a criminal and a thug", are an ordinary lie. The answer is very simple - if Stalin really were a criminal who committed robberies and murders, then the tsarist authorities would have tried him without any problems, they could not have let go of such a trump card. But Stalin was never tried - there was no compelling evidence for his trial, he was sent into exile several times by the decision of the local police chief, as a representative of the lower class. This, incidentally, gives some idea of the actual situation with the rights of the common man in "Russia We Lost." If the tsarist court and the tsarist special services did not have any evidence, then what can we say now. By the way, participation in "exs" would not have tarnished Stalin at all, especially in the eyes of the revolutionaries of that time, on the contrary - it was an indicator of personal heroism and impeccability. But in reality, they took care of Stalin and tried to keep him away from cases, as a result of which he could be brought forward with a really serious accusation.


16. Statement: "There was no jury in the USSR, therefore the courts were not independent."


18. Statement: "More than a million Russians fought for Hitler."


For comparison, after the occupation of Poland in 1939, over half a million Poles joined the German army and units of the national police. The situation is about the same with the French. Although there were no Bolsheviks or Stalin in either Poland or France.
