Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece

Video: Ancient Greece

Video: Ancient Greece
Video: Why Do We Celebrate New Year's? 2024, April

There is a fun way to pass the time. A kind of travel game, when they say any country, and the next player has to name another one as a memory, with which it borders. For example, I say Russia, you say the United States, I say Canada, and you say Denmark, etc. Thus, you can train your memory and mentally move around the planet. This is very useful, besides, today is the time, waking up from obsession, to look closely at the location and names of countries. Here we can find a lot of weirdness.

Let's try, for example, to deal with the "great and terrible" Greece … Contrary to popular belief, this state appeared on the world map at all not 4000 years ago, but strictly in 1830 … In the past the state of Greece never existed.

Before it was drawn on the map, this territory was part of the Ottoman (Ottoman-Ataman) Empire. Before that - part of Byzantium (Romei). Even earlier, according to the official version, it was part of the Roman Empire. If you dig very deeply, then before Rome these lands were ruled by the Macedonian kingdom, the heir of which is the present Slavic Macedonia. Even then it was no less Slavic. It is from there that Alexander the Great was born. At an even earlier time, there were microscopic individual city-states (policies).

Everything, there is nowhere to dig further. Ancient, according to official standards, there were only monkeys. The fact is, according to scientific evidence, a state called Greece has never existed in nature.

Why did you need to draw it on the map and where did the name come from?

There is an opinion that the name of the newborn country appeared because these places have been inhabited since ancient times Greeks … And these Greeks, supposedly, passionately wanted independence. All 4000 years they constantly wanted, and, having received it, they immediately named their country Greece … But there is a discrepancy - the "Greeks" themselves call their country Hellasand myself Hellenes … Apparently, their permission was not asked when someone really needed to draw Greece on the political map.

But the learned people are stubborn and devoted. The oversight of the mysterious "great cartographer" tried disguise … They offer to our attention a version about some "Greykah" (in an early version of the ancient Greek language), the mythological progenitor of which was named Greikos (Greek Γραικός). Allegedly, once upon a time, these griks lived here. However, the scientists themselves, from the many small peoples who inhabited these lands in the past, single out only 2 main ones - ionians and dorians (very similar to d aRiys, of the four clans of the white race). The Ionian people were not genetically pure. They are classified as southern type - the skin is light, but the hair is dark. Dorians are fair-haired. No grikov not on the horizon.

All these attempts, one way or another, are in vain, for they still do not explain the supposed desire of the Hellenes to gain independence that never existed. They also do not explain why the name suddenly surfaced, which the inhabitants of this area had not remembered for thousands of years, if "griiki" is not an invention of modern historians at all. Even when it comes to Greece as a Hellenic republic (as they call Greece today in a number of European countries), this does not change the matter. Hellasas a sovereign country, also never happened.

But what happened was that it is widely known from medieval texts Greek language … And with him, too, everything is not easy. Between the "Greek" language of the Middle Ages, and that which is spoken today in Greece, a whole abyss.

At first, according to scientists, there was a certain ancient greek language from 2000 BC 5th century AD This language is extinct. Allegedly, on the basis of it, a lot of dialects appeared, which eventually became independent languages. However, it is believed that this dead language from the 6th century AD was used only in certain circles of Byzantium, both literary and scientific. Even then, the bulk of the Hellenes could not be forced to speak this "Greek" language. This stage, according to historians, lasted until the 16th century (1000 years), and that "Greek" language is today referred to as "Middle greek" … For a whole millennium the Greeks never spoke it.

It is impossible to say exactly what this Middle Greek language was originally. Modern researchers are studying its features from later copies and translations. The most famous are the Chronicles of Mala and Theophanes. Of course, there are no originals.

After the fall of Byzantium, during the rule of the Ottoman Empire, there were no special changes in the language of Hellas. However, after this territory gained independence in 1830, active processes began. imposing the local population has special rules in speaking and writing. To the people of the Hellenes, who never began to speak Middle Greek, strongly suggested Go to "Kafarevusu".

It was artificially created on the basis of the living spoken language of the Hellenes "dimotics", with the addition of archaic phrases taken from not very reliable translations and copies of medieval Greek texts. In general, it was an artificial formation, very similar to the Ukrainian MOV.

Poor Hellenes persistently and professionally crumbled their language for another 150 years. And only in 1976 they were allowedfinally, speak and write in a natural way, as they were accustomed to by that time. Now this jumble of language is called the modern Greek language. The similarity of the fate of the Ukrainian language and the Greek kafarevusa is so striking that behind these events one sees single scenario … The scriptwriter, of course, is also one.

At first glance, this is complete nonsense. Why rape several million people, forcing them to speak in unfamiliar words and phrases?

In case of Ukraine more or less clear - they want divide a single people with the help of language as a bearer of culture. But the Hellenes are not divided, they just replace the language. There is one more fact: the "Great Cartographer" is not only creating a country that never existed. Not only gives it a name, which historically does not stick here, but also wants the inhabitants of this country (at all not greeks) spoke exactly in Greek, the samehow the old texts are written.

For those who are reshaping the world, there is a very important meaning in the creation of the state "Greece". The Greek language itself is known, which was repeatedly mentioned in the Middle Ages, as opposed to Latin. This fact is difficult to hide. Clarification required. How is it - there is a Greek language, but Greece is not? For this, it is needed on the map.

There are other reasons … It is clear that Greek is a kind of special language, because science and poetry, using it, confirm the high culture of its creators and speakers. This is not the language of the shepherds. On the other hand, there are traces of a developed civilization in the form of the ruins of cities throughout the Mediterranean. Their must be attributed to someone, but not for the Rus. To tie it all together, avoiding the truth, created myth about Ancient Greece and the Greeks - the creators of a great culture. And so that we do not doubt this version of the past, they blinded us, like an exhibit, a new Greece. Everyone is poking their noses: this is Greece, these are the remnants of its great culture, these are the Greeks, the descendants of those greats.

However, the letter "G" is read in two ways: as " G" And How " F". Some researchers believe that the word GREECE should be read as “ Priests". It can be read, heard and understood quite in Russian, and I agree with them. And the Latin inscription "graeca lingua" (Greek) should be read as "the language of the priest" or "Priestly language" … This reading eliminates all the absurdities and inconsistencies. Priestly Greek should not be considered the language of any particular Mediterranean people.

Firstly, it is immediately clear why they do not want to read correctly. Those who draw virtual maps of the world cannot allow everyone to understand that the basis of that developed culture of the Mediterranean was Russian language … Priest is a completely Russian word.

Secondly, the situation is clarified in which it was the scientific and poetic texts that were written in the priestly language. After all, this is the sphere of activity of the priests.

Thirdly, it becomes clear why the priestly language at different times was not widely used in these territories, although it was steadily preserved (as if dead) by individual social groups. These strata of society could preferably be rusand the rest of the population could be mixed. It is possible that the population was also based on the Russians, the spoken language was the same, but the written (priestly) language could differ somewhat, for example, in order to preserve knowledge from the uninitiated. By the way, the place of Latin in Western culture is understood in a similar way.

It all fits together.

How do we now relate to the wonderful country of Greece? Think, with compassion, as to a person forcibly dressed in sausage costume and delivered at the store to drum up buyers …
