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The brain in the heart is an important weapon against stress
The brain in the heart is an important weapon against stress

Video: The brain in the heart is an important weapon against stress

Video: The brain in the heart is an important weapon against stress
Video: 12 Most Amazing Recent Archaeological Finds 2024, April

The Heart Mathematician Institute has found that the heart and brain maintain a continuous two-way dialogue. Where each organ affects the functioning of the other. Although little known, the heart sends much more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. And the signals that the heart sends to the brain can affect perception, the emotional processes of higher recognition functions. The heart also produces a strong rhythmic electromagnetic field in the body and this can be measured in the brain waves of the people around us.

The mind of the heart

Not only does the brain have feelings, thoughts, memories, but every cell of our heart has them. The amazing discoveries of modern times indicate that in the center of our body - in the heart - there is the command post of our consciousness. If so, how can you improve it?

One clinical case. Melanie Storbeck (38 years old) is delivered to the hospital with a suspicion of a heart attack, the symptoms of which this woman experiences - chest pains, shortness of breath, water in the lungs. Her level of stress hormone (catecholamine) is 34 times higher than that of a healthy person. After examining the patient, an unusual case is revealed - Melanie has neither a narrowing of the heart vessels, nor a rupture of the heart tissue, which, as a rule, is a consequence of a heart attack. The final diagnosis of doctors - poken-Heart-Syndrom [eng. - broken heart syndrome]. It turns out that her husband left Melanie a day ago, leaving her alone with the children.

The brain in the heart is an important weapon against stress

Until now, scientists have assumed that feelings and thoughts are associated only with the brain. According to stress researcher, American scientist from California Doc Childre, this position does not correspond to the latest scientific results. Doc Childre puts forward a new concept: "The heart has its own nervous system. The heart is able to independently feel, learn, remember, make decisions - and all this independently of the brain." Doc Childre refers to this phenomenon as The Intelligent Heart. It is this that is the most powerful weapon of a person against stressful situations, because according to another scientist David Servan-Schreiber, who studies brain activity, “with the correct heart rate, the brain can withstand stress attacks by keeping consciousness from fears, and giving all organs of the body need strong impulses to deal with stress."

Another clinical case. A forty-seven-year-old woman named Debi Vega received a heart transplant from an 18-year-old teenager. A few weeks after the surgery, Debi started drinking beer, listening to rap music, and eating fastfood. What's so unusual about that? - Yes, just before the heart transplant, Debi could not stand alcohol, loved classical music and was a convinced vegetarian.

But how is this possible? "The heart is the key to this mystery," says Professor Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona. And powerful energy circulates throughout our body. Thus, any information can be stored in the heart as in a library. And just one lightning impulse is enough for this information to reach any cell of our body. "Cardiologists suggest that with heart transplantation, memory is transferred from the former owner to the new one through the transfer of information that is recorded in the cells of the heart. This working theory is supported by a clinical study conducted by American cardiologist Professor Paul Pearsall. The results of this study are evident: more than 10 percent of patients who received a donor heart transplanted after surgery discovered unusual dispositions for themselves that were inherent in deceased donors.

Very interesting! But what will this give ordinary people? - Quite a lot, scientists say, because you can enter the so-called intelligence quotient (IQ - Intelligence Quotient) for the heart, and with its help explore ways to increase the spiritual and physical return of the heart.

New therapies for the heart

Breathing with the heart is an unusual name for a new therapeutic method that, according to one British study, nearly 6,000 employees of a British firm increased their vitality by 50 percent. The technique of this method does not require special efforts and conditions. You just need to close your eyes for ten minutes and focus on the heart, and then imagine that the heart breathes with energy that is poured into the heart, then poured out of it. This short mental training should be done twice a day. The end result will be harmonization of breathing - heart rate - heart pressure. The nervous system of the heart, as it were, communicates its good rhythm to all organs.

Omega effect. This is the name of the method, which began to be widely used by doctors from the Munich polyclinic. Fatty acids Omega-3, contained in fish oil, have a beneficial effect on the membranes of the neurons of the heart muscles, which ultimately affects the correct regulation of the heart rate. And the rhythmic activity of the heart helps, in turn, cope with stressful situations.

Protecting the heart through proper nutrition. If too little potassium enters the body through nutrition, this can lead to a weakening of the heart muscles. Eating two bananas a day is essential to meeting the body's daily potassium needs. Bananas are a potassium bomb that strengthens the heart muscles, which has a positive effect on the body's resistance to stressful situations, during which the heart rate rises to critical levels.

Does Melanie's case mean family tragedies are stronger than heart attacks? Cardiologists themselves often underestimate the strong connection between emotions and the vital motor of our body. According to one British study, stressful situations pose a greater health hazard than even smoking or eating cholesterol-rich foods. Seemingly mundane situations such as a subpoena, or speaking in front of a large audience, or family problems can cause significant heart problems. The cause of all emotional stress is a strong increase in the level of the stress hormone in the blood, which is several times higher than the heart attack level. Scientists from the University of Baltimore suggest that stress hormones act on the heart muscles like a strong drug - in case of an overdose, cardiac arrest can occur.

Die Kommunikation zwischen Herz und Gehirn (Interaction between heart and brain). The heart is not only a pump, but it is a highly complex intelligent organ. Scientists from the United States recently made a discovery: our life motor has a hidden connection with the brain.

Macht der Erinnerung (The Power of Memory). The so-called amygdala * cerebral amygdala * remembers emotional experiences and is in direct connection with the heart. Special nerve cells send signals to the heart, influencing the heart rate. And as a consequence, the slightest memory of any disappointment throws the heart rate out of balance.

Taktgeber fürs Gehirn (Brain Tact Control). If heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure rhythm (cardiac coherence) are matched together, the cerebral frontal hemispheres work quickly and accurately - acute and chronic stress can be quickly healed.

Kommandozentrale (Command Center). The heart has its own "brain", which scientists refer to as an intrinsic nervous system that works independently of the brain. Through the trunk of the spinal nerves, special nerve cells of the heart (afferent sympathetic neurons) transmit information such as feelings, thoughts, memories to the brain.

Gefühlsbarometer (Barometer of the senses). Emotions directly affect the work of the heart. With friends, your heart rate slows down and your blood pressure drops. Stress, on the other hand, speeds up your heart rate and breathing rate.

* One of the basal ganglia: a rounded accumulation of almond-shaped gray matter inside each hemisphere of the brain.

Article "Reasonable heart. Heart of love". A short quote from this excellent article: “Some of the most cutting-edge research on the heart is currently underway at the Institute of HeartMath (IHM) in Boulder Grick, Calif. In Explaining the Mathematics of the Heart (Harper, SanFrancisco 1999) Institute founder Doc Childre and co-author Howard Martin take a daring look at the depths of the heart and its connections to mind, body and spirit, providing astounding insight into how each heartbeat carries complex messages affecting our emotions, our physical health and the quality of life we live In recent years, neuroscientist Dr. JA Armor has made a startling discovery: the heart has its own internal brain and nervous system. helped explain the 1970s discovery by physiologists at the Fels Research Institute: "the brain d "obediently obeys the messages coming from the" brain of the heart ". Doc Childre and his colleagues at the Heart Mathematics Institute are making further discoveries in this direction. Researchers at this institute have established the ability of the heart to "think independently." Their goal was to determine how the heart influences logic and influences behavior …"
