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The Ghost of GMOs, or Which Locally Produced Products Are Better Not to Take Before the Harvest Season
The Ghost of GMOs, or Which Locally Produced Products Are Better Not to Take Before the Harvest Season

Video: The Ghost of GMOs, or Which Locally Produced Products Are Better Not to Take Before the Harvest Season

Video: The Ghost of GMOs, or Which Locally Produced Products Are Better Not to Take Before the Harvest Season

Why can tomatoes of domestic and other production purchased in the supermarket in the winter months taste like grass, and the most beautiful radish is strangely bitter in the mouth and provokes nausea? Trying to diversify our diet with what we think are healthy vegetables, we can do ourselves a disservice during the winter months. Now is the time to figure out which products on supermarket shelves in winter are probably stuffed with chemicals.

1. Perfect looking apples

Natural is never perfect
Natural is never perfect

Natural is never perfect.

An apple that looks like it is preparing for a beauty contest or has visited a plastic surgeon - what could be more suspicious ?! When choosing apples in the supermarket in winter, you should pay close attention to their appearance, smell and density. The formula is simple: winter apples should look good, but not perfect!They also need to smell and not feel like ceramics. The artificial fruit that looks like it must have been processed with a huge amount of chemicals. Perfect shape and smoothness eloquently signal that this variety was grown in greenhouses under the influence of GMOs. Prefer scented fruits with little flaws.

2. Pale tomatoes

Dangerous foods in winter
Dangerous foods in winter

Dangerous foods in winter.

Tomatoes grown in greenhouses during the cold season are practically tasteless. Sometimes they even begin to tingle the tongue, as if you licked vinegar - this is a sure sign of chemical feeding of the fruit. If you dare to buy tomatoes in winter, the most expensive ones are imported from countries where the temperature is 25 degrees above zero in winter. In fact, winter tomatoes are ripe only on the outside, but unripe on the inside. Solanine contained in these tomatoes is dangerous for the structural components of the brain.

3. Cute white cabbage without flaw

The queen of nitrates on winter counters
The queen of nitrates on winter counters

The queen of nitrates on winter counters.

White cabbage is the queen among the accumulators of nitrates. In addition, the use of this product has always led to increased gas production. Flatulence plus the risk of getting a serving of nitrates - is it worth trying? But if you can't imagine life without white cabbage, you will need to approach the purchase with all responsibility (we have only one health!) And first purchase an inexpensive Chinese nitrate meter (a device that contactfully measures the content of nitrates in a vegetable or fruit). Black dots on the upper leaves of the roach unambiguously and eloquently indicate the presence of nitrates. The editors of Novate. Ru strongly recommend giving preference to Peking salad (popularly called Peking cabbage) in winter.

4. Radish

Radish spoils instantly!
Radish spoils instantly!

Radish spoils instantly!

Radish in mid-latitudes yields only at the beginning of summer. It is very important to know that this root crop practically does not tolerate transportation at all and is very poorly stored.… This means that if traders from warmer countries send it for import, then the probability that the radish is fed with chemistry is 98 percent. You shouldn't risk it. If a radish bought in a store is bitter, throw it immediately into the trash can. Poisoning with fertilized chemistry, and besides, radish starting to deteriorate is very dangerous (and can be almost fatal for children). Don't joke with that.

5. Grapes with at least one rotten berry per bunch

Rotten grapes are very dangerous!
Rotten grapes are very dangerous!

Rotten grapes are very dangerous!

The minimum damage that will cause the body to eat rotten grapes after transportation from hot countries is diarrhea. Grapes contain acids, glucose and fermentation products in large quantities. Rotten grapes will begin to eat away at the natural gut environment and the beneficial bacteria that are always found in a healthy intestinal tract. Poisoning with stale grapes is also very serious, accompanied by vomiting and high fever. No arguments like "sold for a penny" do not justify such a deliberate risk and play with health.

So, what should you buy in winter without fear for your health?

1. Freshly frozen fruits, vegetables and berries

Something that will definitely not harm in winter
Something that will definitely not harm in winter

Something that will definitely not harm in winter.

Seasonal shock-frozen fruits, vegetables and berries, as a rule, mostly do not lose their vitamins and minerals. They're not cheap, but for good reason: they are safe to eat in the winter. In the cold season, you can make delicious desserts from frozen berries, for example, mousses (or you can simply add them to ice cream). The same goes for frozen vegetables. Take spinach, for example: you can add it to any of your favorite foods and thus ovitaminate it.

2. Oranges

The first way to fortify the body in mid-latitudes in winter
The first way to fortify the body in mid-latitudes in winter

The first way to fortify the body in mid-latitudes in winter.

The ripening season for oranges is from November to April. This is the first source of vitamins in winter. In the cold season, you can take almost any oranges, indiscriminately. In winter, these fruits help to strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism. They are much better than synthetic vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies as dietary supplements in helping to fight viral infections. Also, these juicy citrus fruits have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and reduce putrefactive processes in the intestines.

3. Mandarins

Buy tangerines like the last time!
Buy tangerines like the last time!

Buy tangerines like the last time!

The ripening season for tangerines is from November to February. They are imported in thousands of tons from many countries of the world located in tropical and subtropical latitudes. The competition is very high, which means that they will be inexpensive. They are rich in vitamin C, which means they are definitely useful (for everyone except those who are allergic to citrus fruits). In addition, tangerines are just perfectly stored even outside the refrigerator.

4. Celery

Superpowers are the choice of successful people
Superpowers are the choice of successful people

Superpowers are the choice of successful people.

This vegetable contains an overwhelming amount of fiber. It helps to digest the rest of the food (including fatty ones), normalizes stool, cleanses the intestines and even cleans the surfaces of the teeth better than any modern brush! Celery can be used as a side dish for absolutely any dish. It is perfect with meat. Fresh celery stalks, in addition, contain more water than seasonal cucumbers, and celery root is truly just the Cellular King. This vegetable is included in the diet of everyone who is actively losing weight.

5. Beets, carrots, turnips and pumpkin of domestic production

They can be stored all winter
They can be stored all winter

They can be stored all winter.

Under the right storage conditions (usually in cool basements), these vegetables can be stored throughout the winter without losing their beneficial properties and acquiring destructive properties. Therefore, these locally produced vegetables can be safely bought in the winter. By the way, pumpkin contains a huge amount of sugar, so you can make special healthy winter desserts from it. And sweet pumpkin porridge will be a sweet treat, even for those with strict weight control or are vegans.
