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Educational program on the history of the formation of Tartary
Educational program on the history of the formation of Tartary

Video: Educational program on the history of the formation of Tartary

Video: Educational program on the history of the formation of Tartary
Video: Russia increased agri-food exports to "friendly countries" by 25% in 2022 2024, April

So what do we know about Tartary? Unfortunately, this topic is constantly discredited by dubious theories due to the lack of a scientific approach to the study of this state and the peoples who lived in it. In fact, very little is known about Tartary, it cannot be characterized by any one word, there were both bright and dark moments in the history and culture of this country. Tartary needs to be studied in a complex, we talk about this constantly and urge caring people to join professional research, which will not be reduced to just searching for consonances and building whole theories based on them. The more scientific fields will be connected to the study of Tartary, the better.

Tired of suspicious pseudo-scientific articles and videos on the topic of Tartary? Want more facts? Then here's a small educational program on the history of the formation of Tartary. Check if you know this part of Russian and Asian history that well.

Tartary was founded by the Scythians

If you have already read our articles on the state of the Great Khans, then you probably know that Tartaria was founded by the Scythians.


The French cartographer Alain Manesson-Mallet wrote in his 1683 book:

"What now has a geographic name Katay, was previously the largest part of the Seric region."


In other words, Cathay took shape from the ancient region of Serik, the center of which was, as it were, ancient Ptolemy on his maps designated the city of Se · ra.


But official modern science does not know any Serik except the modern Turkish consonant city Serik.

The cartographers of the Middle Ages had a very rough geographical idea of Asia, but they knew for sure that the Imaum or Imaus mountains are located in this part of the world, and the Scythians live or lived quite recently - to the west and east of these mountains. We looked at a decent variety of such maps, trying to figure out which mountains were meant.


Thanks to our find - the French map of the travels and discoveries of Philippe Boucher in 1752, we immediately took into account that the north of Siberia and Kamchatka could not be on the maps until the 1740s.


Thus, the Imaum Mountains are located much further south, somewhere in Central Asia.


Then I came across a map of Michel Pico in 1763, on which the names that were modern at that time were combined with the "antique" ones. At the same time, there were no intermediate ones, like the Kushan kingdom, the Laz kingdom. On this map, the Imaus mountains are located between modern Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.


Obviously, the so-called ancient authors, as well as their counterparts of the Middle Ages, meant this particular mountain system.


The Serik region was located, according to ancient authors, to the east of these mountains. Later, the residence of the great khans of Tartaria was placed by European cartographers in the same place, in the Katay region, very close to the Great Wall of China.


An interesting fact: many scientists of DNA genealogy, after numerous studies of the genetics of the peoples of Eurasia, came to the conclusion that the ancestors with the “Aryan” haplogroup, characteristic of most Russians, came from Central Asia.


Many people know how the Scythians portrayed themselves. The writing of the Scythians is very similar to the Etruscan, Greek. Thanks to another find from the French archives of digitized ancient documents, we now know that in the XIV century (let's try to believe in the correctness of this dating), Europeans knew about the brotherhood of the Scythians and the Goths, that the Scythians founded 4 kingdoms: Tartaria, Parthia (that there is Persia), Bactria (also had an almost Greek script) and the Amazon.


It is interesting that these peoples were considered modern in the XIVth century. All the peoples of the Black Sea region wrote about the reality of the Amazons, the Greeks% 20Dell% 27% 20Asia% 2CTavola% 20Ottava.% 20Dell% 27% 20Asia% 3Bsort% 3APub_List_No_InitialSort% 2CPub_Date% 2CPub_List_No% 2 ~ CBL ~ No% 3


They are even spoken of in the Tale of Bygone Years (allegedly of the 12th century), not in the past, but in the present. That is, the authors of the legend were contemporaries of the Amazons. Michel Pico's map of 1763 with a reference to the "ancient" and not very ancient authors shows us, taking into account the latest geographical discoveries, where these Scythian kingdoms were actually located.


And what happened in Serik and Asian Scythia? According to our data, in the XIV century, and not in the XIII century, the ruler of Seriki, or KATAYA, carried out, as we would now say, the reorganization of Scythia and annexed neighboring territories. This person was Genghis Khan, although most likely this is a title or "nickname", and not the actual name. On the maps of contemporaries, a new state gradually appears - "Tartaria". The rulers are not some princelings, but what neither are emperors - the Great Khans.


The religion of the ruling elite is predominantly polytheism, shamanism, one of the key symbols of which was the swastika. The spiritual capital was located in the principality of Lhasa (or Lassa), namely in the fortress city of Bietala, or in the local way - Barantola.


That is why the Tatars in Russia were called “filthy” - from the word “pagan” (“pagan”) - a polytheist. Marco Polo, a contemporary of the great Kublai Khan, mentioned the Tatars god Natigaya, or Nachigaya.


In general, Tartary is becoming the most confessionally free country in the world, very close to the capital of Tartary - the city of Khanbalyk, there are Christian cities and even Christian-Muslim ones - for example, Campion.


Rumors of early Tartary

Manesson-Malle cites the opinion of earlier authors who believed that Presbyter John, in the Russian version - Tsar-priest Ivan, that is, the legendary ruler of the powerful Christian state in Central Asia, reigned somewhere in Scythia-Tartaria. Some medieval authors paint it in Africa. It is curious that the Venetian Marco Polo writes about Genghis Khan's war with the Christian king Presbyter John.


In the same lands, for a long time, they painted the terrible, from a Christian point of view, the people of Gog and Magog, who allegedly descended from Japheth, the son of Noah. It is reported that Gog and Magog gave birth to two tribes - the Scythians and the Goths.


Manesson-Mallet expresses this version:

"True, or ancient, Tartary is the kingdom or several kingdoms of Salmanazar of Assyria, who brought the Jewish tribes here from Judea." In other words, the Europeans do not know for sure the history of the origin of the peoples of Seriki and Scythia beyond the Imaus mountains, but they are trying to integrate them into the Abrahamic historical and religious concept.


The heyday of Tartary

As for the writing, the emperors of Tartaria, for some reason, are switching to such a letter … Allegedly, the Tatars adopted it from the then Uighurs.


By the way, their current descendants have an “Aryan” haplogroup, the proportion of which in some Uyghur regions reaches 50%.

And where did the Tatars, that is, the citizens of Tartaria, buried their rulers? Marco Polo and other authors, as one, declare - in the Altai Mountains. Why the Scythians-Tatars considered Altai a sacred place, a place of power, we do not know for sure. Perhaps these mountains were the ancestral home of the Scythians.


Tartary includes many different peoples subordinate to their kings-khans. Here you can meet Caucasians, Turkomans, Tibetans, Cossacks, Chukchi, and Tungus; in the steppes of the Black Sea coast you can meet the Kipchaks-Polovtsians, other Turkic and Slavic-speaking peoples.


The successors of Genghis Khan - Usbek and Tamerlane / Timur accept Islam, but do not spread it with fire and sword in the controlled territories. The Arabic script is gradually entering the use of the vassal regions. For example, in Muscovy. There, patterned letters can be seen on similar Asian military equipment, including helmets and swords.


It looks rather strange - for example, on the helmet of Alexander Nevsky, Christian crosses and the archangel are side by side with excerpts from the Koran.


In the same uniform, but without crosses, Tatars and Persians, Turks and Indians, partly Mamelukes in Egypt, partly warriors of the Middle East are fighting at this time.

Even the marriage of Ivan III to Sophia Paleologue did not break the centuries-old friendship between Muscovites and citizens of Tartaria. Sigismund von Herberstein, Austrian ambassador to the court of Vasily III, noted that Russians and Tatars differ little from each other in appearance.

And how do you like the domes in the form of Asian turbans over the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, erected by order of Ivan Vasilyevich IV?

Muscovites and Tatars have been actively trading for a very long time in Grustin, a large Tatar city near the Moscow-Tatar border.


Delegations from Moscow often visit the Tsar of Kataysky - this is how the Great Khan is called in Russia. And who, if not the inhabitants of the Kremlin of that time, knew what Tartary was, who the Tatars were and why they were so similar to the Russian Ivanovs.


And Kitai-Gorod, the first fortress in Moscow, was probably named to the part of the same Katay, where the Great Khan was sitting.

And then … this kinship with Byzantium - the Second Rome, Moscow's dream of becoming the Third … I wanted power and glory, tired of paying tribute to the treasury of Tartary. And somehow everything spun by itself, spun. And the Catholic West began to weave intrigues. Got badly before the Polish intervention, the new dynasty of the Romanovs, that is, the Roman. Then this Pyotr Alekseevich …

The next historical research will be devoted to the conquests of the Tatar khans and immigrants from Tartaria. Also, using ancient documents and the results of DNA genealogy, we will show what actually unites the Russian people of modern Central Russia and the rulers of medieval Tartary.

Anastasia Kostash, specially for the Kramola portal
