Interesting facts from history from antiquity to the present day

What is chutzpah?
Genocide methods

What is chutzpah?

Chutzpah is a trait of character inherent in Jews, roughly defined by the Russian words "audacity", "greyhound" or "arrogance." For the Jews themselves, chutzpah means special courage and is considered a positive quality

Who is in the Mausoleum?

Who is in the Mausoleum?

One of the aspects of the political life of Russia is the use of doubles of the supreme rulers to seize power in the country and control it. As a rule, such rulers include Peter I, B.N. Yeltsin

Forge of cadres of liquidocracy

Forge of cadres of liquidocracy

The scheme for selecting presidential candidates within the framework of "managed democracy" is based on compromising evidence - first of all, sodomy. So B. Obama in his youth "served" elderly perverts in order to buy drugs for himself, and B. Clinton was involved in a pedophile network

Soviet humor was Jewish
Genocide methods

Soviet humor was Jewish

The author of the article cannot be accused of anti-Semitism, because a historical retrospective on the Soviet and Russian stage in general and pop humor in particular is conducted by the Jew Maryan Belenky, the author of monologues by Klara Novikova, Gennady Khazanov, Yana Arlazorov

Methodology of Russian scientist Vladimir Bazarny in schools of Azerbaijan

Methodology of Russian scientist Vladimir Bazarny in schools of Azerbaijan

As the methodology of the Russian scientist Vladimir Bazarny, it is being introduced in the schools of Azerbaijan. The film tells how the educational methodology of the Russian scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimir Bazarny is being introduced in Azerbaijani schools

Modern children do not know how to learn, wait and can hardly bear boredom

Modern children do not know how to learn, wait and can hardly bear boredom

What is the reason that modern children do not know how to study, do not know how to wait and hardly tolerate boredom - says Canadian occupational therapist Victoria Prudey

Reasonable parenting in the advice of neurobiologist Tatyana Chernigovskaya

Reasonable parenting in the advice of neurobiologist Tatyana Chernigovskaya

Many modern parents are literally obsessed with the development of children. Some give kids educational games and enroll them in all kinds of courses almost from toddler age, being firmly convinced that this will give their children undeniable advantages in life

How to protect yourself from aggressive marketing and devious tricks

How to protect yourself from aggressive marketing and devious tricks

Recently, in stores, they began to offer us so many unnecessary additional services for a lot of money that it's time to grab a head. This article will tell you about four tricks of marketers that empty our wallets in no time

Russia has become a breeding ground for supermarkets

Russia has become a breeding ground for supermarkets

Get out of the house - no matter what city. Take a look around. Nothing confuses you? Do you not notice the difference with the landscape that was two or three years ago? I'll tell you: ma-ha … that's right - … zines. More precisely, supermarkets. They have filled everything around and continue to breed like a cow parsnip in the fields near Moscow

Facts about Finland that are not on Wikipedia. How does the land of 1000 lakes live?

Facts about Finland that are not on Wikipedia. How does the land of 1000 lakes live?

What do Finns celebrate on February 14th, why do Finnish deer have antlers glowing, and how hot Finnish guys like to have fun?