Space 2024, May

Man and the Matrix are a product of self-simulation and are unreal

Man and the Matrix are a product of self-simulation and are unreal

New research suggests that neither you nor the world around you are real - none of this in reality exists at all

What will be done with the ISS, which is nearing the end of its service life?

What will be done with the ISS, which is nearing the end of its service life?

The service life of one of the most ambitious and expensive projects of mankind - the International Space Station - will end in 2024, but what to do with it, the partners decide now

A cosmic web of infinite length discovered by astronomers

A cosmic web of infinite length discovered by astronomers

Observations of one of the largest clusters of galaxies in the constellation of Aquarius helped astronomers to obtain the first detailed photographs of the strands of the "cosmic web" that connects all the clusters of matter in the universe. Pictures published by the scientific journal Science

What do plants look like on other exoplanets?

What do plants look like on other exoplanets?

The search for extraterrestrial life is no longer the domain of science fiction or UFO hunters. Perhaps modern technologies have not yet reached the required level, but with their help we are already able to detect the physical and chemical manifestations of the fundamental processes underlying living

Atmospheric resonance, what is this phenomenon and can it predict the weather?

Atmospheric resonance, what is this phenomenon and can it predict the weather?

The Earth's atmosphere vibrates like a giant bell: waves travel along the equator in both directions, encircling the globe. This conclusion was reached by scientists from Japan and the United States, confirming the long-standing hypothesis of atmospheric resonance. What is this phenomenon and can it be used to predict weather and long-term climate change?

Is it possible to live on earth without changing the seasons?

Is it possible to live on earth without changing the seasons?

Just get used to summer days - bam! - September. And then winter with fifty shades of gray. But let's look at it from a different angle

What will be the new ways to search for extraterrestrial civilizations?

What will be the new ways to search for extraterrestrial civilizations?

Traditionally, the hunt for intelligent alien civilizations has focused on radio signals, but now researchers intend to look for pulses of light that could indicate the presence of alien intelligence in outer space

Evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

Evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life

Despite the skeptical views of the public majority, alien life forms - advanced or at least simple - most likely exist somewhere in the vast expanses of the Universe

Space of extraterrestrial civilizations refutes the illusion that we are alone

Space of extraterrestrial civilizations refutes the illusion that we are alone

Aliens are looking not only for ufologists, but also for serious scientists. Not found yet. But they convincingly prove that brothers in mind simply have to exist even in our galaxy - the Milky Way, which has about 250 billion stars. Not to mention the whole universe

Extraterrestrial life - fantasy or reality?

Extraterrestrial life - fantasy or reality?

Regardless of our beliefs and desires, there is an objective reality: our home - planet Earth, is located in the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy, which cuts through the vastness of the infinite universe. And in the Universe, as we know today, the same laws of physics operate as on Earth. Science has helped answer difficult questions about the world and our place in it, and it is science that is our guiding star in attempts to find an answer to the question of whether we are alone in the Universe

UFO encounters with Russian cosmonauts

UFO encounters with Russian cosmonauts

Some of the most seemingly reliable and extraordinary reports of UFO sightings are made by astronauts and not only American but also Russian cosmonauts. One of the most famous projects of many Russian space stations is the Soviet orbital space station Salyut-6, launched on September 29, 1977

To what extent has the solar system been studied: how did humanity move into space and when will it master new worlds?

To what extent has the solar system been studied: how did humanity move into space and when will it master new worlds?

We all understand how rockets take off, but we rarely think about the fact that cosmonautics is multifaceted, and among other things, as a result, the tasks of landing and ensuring activities are set

Invisible "dark matter" in space is forcing galaxies to evolve

Invisible "dark matter" in space is forcing galaxies to evolve

The longer the mystery of dark matter remains unsolved, the more exotic hypotheses about its nature appear, including the newest idea of the inheritance of giant black holes from the previous Universe

The life of galaxies and the history of their study

The life of galaxies and the history of their study

The history of the study of planets and stars is measured in millennia, the Sun, comets, asteroids and meteorites - in centuries. But galaxies, scattered across the Universe, clusters of stars, cosmic gas and dust particles, became the object of scientific research only in the 1920s

10 cosmic creations that could exist in theory

10 cosmic creations that could exist in theory

We will hardly ever be able to explore all of space. The universe is too big. Therefore, in most cases, we will only have to guess what is happening there. On the other hand, we can turn to our physical laws and imagine what cosmic bodies, events and phenomena could really exist in the vast cosmic spaces

Abnormal space radio signals. Astronomers about extraterrestrial life

Abnormal space radio signals. Astronomers about extraterrestrial life

The repository now has a preprint of an article about the first ever detection of a repetitive fast radio burst with a stable period of activity of 16 days. FRB 180916.J0158 + 65 emits powerful beams of radio waves with enviable regularity, which has given rise to rumors about the artificial origin of the source. "" tells whether it is really worth assuming that mysterious signals from space are sent by alien civilizations

White holes open up the possibility of time travel

White holes open up the possibility of time travel

The possibility of the existence of white holes was first proposed by the theoretical astrophysicist Igor Novikov in 1964

The secret of the formation of spiral galaxies has been revealed

The secret of the formation of spiral galaxies has been revealed

Do you know what surprises me the most? The fact that we take the world around us for granted. Animals, plants, the laws of physics and space are perceived by many people as something so mundane and boring that they invent fairies, ghosts, monsters and witchcraft. Agree, this is amazing, because the very fact of our existence is magic

The poles of the earth may be swapped and what is the threat

The poles of the earth may be swapped and what is the threat

The Earth's magnetic field protects us from cosmic radiation. Our shields are discharged and this is very bad news for all life on our planet and this may even lead to another mass extinction

The laws of celestial mechanics - the movement of the solar system

The laws of celestial mechanics - the movement of the solar system

Each celestial body is in continuous motion according to the laws of celestial mechanics. The movement of the solar system in a galaxy occurs relative to its center, or core, in an elliptical or nearly circular orbit. In addition, the star harmoniously produces wave-like oscillations relative to the plane of the galactic disk

If you fall into a black hole?

If you fall into a black hole?

As soon as you fly closer to this strange place, your body will be stretched in one direction and crushed in a completely different direction - a process that scientists call spaghettification. It denotes strong stretching of objects vertically and horizontally

Earth's magnetic anomalies

Earth's magnetic anomalies

The Earth's magnetic field protects its surface and its inhabitants - including all people with their fragile bodies, as well as sensitive electronics - from deadly cosmic rays and charged particles flying from the sun. However, in some places, this invisible armor is weakening and the gaps are growing

The universe turned out to be wrong

The universe turned out to be wrong

Cosmologists are faced with a serious scientific problem, which indicates the imperfection of human knowledge about the Universe. The complexity concerns such a seemingly trivial thing as the expansion rate of the Universe. The fact is that different methods indicate different meanings - and so far no one can explain the strange discrepancy

When the Earth will be overtaken by a gamma-ray burst and why all living things will die

When the Earth will be overtaken by a gamma-ray burst and why all living things will die

As Plait writes in Death From Above, a gamma ray burst is the most striking event since the Big Bang. Not a single such outburst repeats another, but they all arise due to catastrophes of a galactic scale: when very large stars die, ceasing to "burn" and collapse under the influence of their own gravity or, presumably, due to the collision of two neutron stars

Humanity is ready to build a lunar base or in pursuit of light and space

Humanity is ready to build a lunar base or in pursuit of light and space

On the obelisk over the grave of our great compatriot K.E. Tsiolkovsky cites his textbook words: "Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but, in pursuit of light and space, at first it timidly penetrates beyond the atmosphere, and then conquers the entire solar space."

Lunar transforming buildings designed by the USSR

Lunar transforming buildings designed by the USSR

For many years, I drove every day on my way to work, a nondescript building on Berezhkovskaya embankment, which is between the third transport ring and the thermal power station. Even if I stopped and read the sign on the building - "Design Bureau of General Mechanical Engineering", it would add clarity about what is happening behind the walls of the building. Nevertheless, the building is unique - lunar cities have been developed and designed in it for over twenty years. No more and no less

Why doesn't the moon fall to the ground?

Why doesn't the moon fall to the ground?

The earth is very large and its gravity is enormous. The earth attracts everything around. Why, then, the Moon, which is smaller than the Earth, does not fall, but continues to revolve around the globe in its orbit? In a sense, it falls - just "misses", scientists explain to the publication Forskning

A selection of strange and unusual space experiments

A selection of strange and unusual space experiments

Humanity has been studying space since ancient times, but we managed to enter outer space for the first time only in the second half of the 20th century. Moreover, at that time, scientists did not know exactly how the human body would behave in space. They also did not know how fire, plants, worms and many other earthly objects and phenomena would behave

Victims of the first moon landing

Victims of the first moon landing

As history shows, a rare breakthrough of mankind in one area or another goes without sacrifices. And there were a hell of a lot of casualties during the moon race

How Gagarin died: the version of specialists

How Gagarin died: the version of specialists

Almost 60 years ago, Gagarin became the first person in history to go into space. However, many secrets and conjectures are associated with his life and death

Why did the USSR and the USA fight for the moon?

Why did the USSR and the USA fight for the moon?

A couple of years ago, Roscosmos rejected the American program to create an international manned near-moon station and refused to participate in it. They say that such projects are far from being a priority for the Russian space industry. Russia is again ready to return to the question of the exploration of the Moon and circumlunar space, which is already, for a minute, more than 50 years old

What about an astronaut who has an urge to use the toilet?

What about an astronaut who has an urge to use the toilet?

“I began to estimate the distance to other windows. And Stas paused and said thoughtfully: - Zero gravity … And how, I wonder, do cosmonauts go to the toilet in zero gravity? - Hey, don't you think about it! I yelled. - You can’t endure a little!” Julius Burkin, Sergey Lukyanenko. "Today, mom!"

Will humanity be able to master the solar system?

Will humanity be able to master the solar system?

Where and why can we still fly, what will it give us in practical terms, and whether manned expeditions should always be put forward as a priority task. In principle, the list of space objects of interest to earthlings is easy to imagine

How scientists search for extraterrestrial life

How scientists search for extraterrestrial life

Perhaps there are other inhabited worlds somewhere in the universe. But, until we found them, the minimum program is to prove that life outside the Earth is at least in some form. How close are we to that?

How common is water in the universe?

How common is water in the universe?

The water in your glass is the oldest you've ever seen in your life; most of its molecules are older than the sun itself. It appeared shortly after the first stars lit up, and since then the cosmic ocean has been fueled by their thermonuclear furnaces. As a gift from the ancient stars, the Earth got the World Ocean

TOP-11 Rare facts about the first landing on the Moon

TOP-11 Rare facts about the first landing on the Moon

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, and the whole world gasped. Since then, we have not stopped gasping and groaning, learning new facts about that flight

Why did you stop flying to the moon?

Why did you stop flying to the moon?

It will soon be five decades since humans walked on the lunar surface. Contrary to countless sci-fi tales, we do not have a lunar base. Contrary to many optimistic opinions, we are not even very close to ever returning

Superstring theory: do all things exist in 11 dimensions?

Superstring theory: do all things exist in 11 dimensions?

You've probably heard that the most popular scientific theory of our time - string theory - involves many more dimensions than common sense tells us

Roskosmzhulye: how did corrupt officials take over Roscosmos?

Roskosmzhulye: how did corrupt officials take over Roscosmos?

More than half a century after the USSR brought mankind into space, the Russian Federation is barely held in the top three world leaders in terms of the number of launches, behind China, which has only recently begun to explore space, and the United States, which still have not learned how to make their own rocket engines and buy them. in the RF. Yesterday Izvestia reported that a new investigation of the case against the ex-head of the NPO Tekhnomash subordinate to Roscosmos could result in arrests in the ranks of the state corporation's leadership

The Chinese in outer space: how did they look into the water?

The Chinese in outer space: how did they look into the water?

Experts called the recording of the exit into airless space of the first Chinese astronaut Zhai Zhigang a fake. The historical event was recorded by video cameras installed on board the spacecraft, and the picture was broadcast on the Chinese Central Television