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The rabbis began to make excuses for the Nazi Jews who served under Hitler
The rabbis began to make excuses for the Nazi Jews who served under Hitler

Video: The rabbis began to make excuses for the Nazi Jews who served under Hitler

Video: The rabbis began to make excuses for the Nazi Jews who served under Hitler
Video: Все про свастику 2024, June

A video from the Israeli ITON-TV channel appeared on the Internet, on which Rabbi Mikhail Finkel publicly admitted the fact that in Nazi Germany about 150 thousand genetic Jews fought on the side of Adolf Hitlerwho, like our famous "son of a lawyer", the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia V. V. Zhirinovsky, have Jewish roots "according to the Pope."

The paradox is that Rabbi Finkel is convinced that Hitler's Jewish soldiers did not have the genes of Jewish mothers, so these Nazis, who had only a Jewish dad and a non-Jewish mother, cannot be considered Jews!

However, we believe that not only can they be considered Jews, but also necessary, for the simple reason that when it is profitable for the Jews, they are presented as "pure Aryans", and in another case, when it is also beneficial for them, they are "purely concrete Jews "! We see this in our daily life every day. Many of our so-called Ivanovs, Shuvalovs, Novodvorskys will climb into power as purely Russians, and then dispose of this power to the detriment of the Russian people as purely concrete Jews!

After listening attentively to the entire speech of Rabbi Mikhail Finkel, I realized that under the pressure of irrefutable facts, the spiritual leaders of the Jews are forced to justify themselves today for the monstrous crimes of the German Nazis, including many thousands of Jews! However, making excuses FOR WHAT HAS BEEN, Rabbi Mikhail Finkel does it very awkwardly

Leading Alexander Gur-Arie: “The facts that the Jews fought in the Second World War on the side of Hitler have repeatedly surfaced. Such a statement itself, such a thesis looks incomprehensible, absurd, terrible and smacks of anti-Semitism a little, but nevertheless, THIS WAS! We are talking with Rabbi Mikhail Finkel, hello, Michael!"

Mikhail Finkel: "Several years ago, a book by the American historian Brian Rigg," Hitler's Jewish Soldiers. ""

Historical Background: Brian Rigg, author of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers, was a US Marine Corps officer and volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces. He is now professor of history and lecturer at the American Military University, Virginia. The topic of Jewish soldiers interested Brian because one of his ancestors was killed in Auschwitz, and the other served in the Wehrmacht.

Brian decided to look into this issue. The work resulted in the book "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers", which was published in 2002. The German newspaper Die Welt names Brian Rigg's book Hitler's Jewish Soldiers as one of the most significant books on the Holocaust. To write the book, the author did a great job: in 1994, Rigg began collecting material. He traveled to Sweden, Turkey, Israel, Canada. Brian won a scholarship to study at Cambridge and went to Germany during the summer holidays. He knew that on the maternal side his ancestors were Germans, and decided to see his historical homeland. There he learned that his great-grandmother lived in Leipzig and that his relatives were Jews associated with the German army. Brian decided to figure out his origins. He took a year off and went to Germany. He found Wehrmacht veterans, talked to them. Some first spoke about their past with Rigg, because the historian touched on a sensitive topic. In some cases, even the families of the veterans were not aware of the past. According to Brian Rigg, Wehrmacht veterans do not feel guilty about serving in Hitler's army - they are worried that they were not able to save their relatives. According to Rigg, 150,000 Jews served in the Wehrmacht. 150 thousand people are divided into the following groups: 60 thousand soldiers who have a Jewish father or mother … And 90 thousand of those whose grandparents were Jews."Not everyone who wore the uniform was Nazi, and not all Jews were persecuted," the historian claims … " A source.

As you can see, according to the information collected by Brian Rigg, during the Second World War, under the military command of Adolf Hitler, there were about 60 thousand soldiers whose father or mother were Jews.

For the Jews, the most important kinship is maternal kinship (a Jewish mother is sacred! This is the Christian image of the Mother of God! semi-Jews from women of various nationalities However, the rabbis consider children from a Jewish dad and a non-Jewish mother to be "unclean Jews", and in our case M. Finkel does not consider them to be Jews at all!

Mikhail Finkel: “We, Jews, have the following definition of Jewishness. This is a person who is a Jew by his mother's entire maternal line, and paternity is completely unrelated, or this is a person who converted to Judaism. Therefore, all these 150 thousand who had an admixture of Jewish blood, from the point of view of Judaism were not Jews …"

According to this logic, the President of Ukraine Poroshenko is the father of Valtsman, and Poroshenko is the maiden name of his Ukrainian mother (Slav) - gentile! And accordingly, Russians and Ukrainians are killing Russians in Donbass under the strict guidance of not the Jew Waltzman, but the half-Ukrainian Poroshenko!


I, Anton Blagin, will say this: it is very good that the rabbis are forced to make excuses today! To this they are pushed by more and more outrageous facts that become public. On the one hand, the rabbis groan about the Holocaust of 6 million Jews that befell the Jewish people during the Second World War. How did they calculate that the Nazis killed exactly 6 million Jews from 1939 to 1945 ?! On the other hand, the rabbis are forced to admit that about 150 thousand genetic Jews who were related by father or grandfather to grandmother took part in the "Holocaust of 6 million Jews". Although, Brian Rigg, the author of the book "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" (himself a Jew by birth!), Claims that among the Nazis there were Jews and "by their mother".

Recently, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party V. V. Zhirinovsky (a Jew by Pope) made a statement within the walls of the State Duma of the Russian Federation that according to the published diaries of the Rothschilds, the Nazi and "Fuhrer of the German nation" Adolf Hitler was 100% Jewish!

If everything is so coolly implicated in Jewish blood, if all wars and revolutions that have happened in world history are implicated in Jewish blood, and if the rabbis today easily make statements, they say, all the evil committed in the twentieth century was done by "unclean Jews", then my advice to these rabbis, who act as "devil's advocates":

If you, the rabbis, were able to single out "unclean Jews" from among the "Jewish soldiers of Hitler", then be so kind as to single out "unclean Jews" from the number of 6,000,000 Jews you declared who allegedly died during the Second World War so that the Germans no longer pay you are not compensated even for them! They were non-Jews, according to your logic

July 2, 2018 Murmansk. Anton Blagin

P. S

I draw the attention of readers to the fact that I do not care much financial showdown between Jews and Germans … I wrote this note only because by the example of the Germans, we all already understood that the Jews are up to us, the Russians!

